source("R/table_with_options.R")# very lazish function, col should be a string agg_count <-function(dat, col) { agg <-aggregate(cbind(count = dat$count),list(name_col = dat[[col]]), sum)colnames(agg) <-c(col, "count")return(agg)}
The goals of this page is storing a quick EDA about broadband services locations with 0 MBps uploads and 0 MBps downloads. To be concise we are going to call them 0/0 speeds.
We have counted every services that have been declared with 0/0 speeds and associated with their States, ISP and technology. To clarify that does not mean a location have 0/0 speeds only but that one “ISP x technology” is provided with this kind of service in this location.
The data used to provide most of the analysis was done with this 2 SQL queries. They were saved and stored in data/
SELECT state_abbr, brand_name, technology,count(brand_name)FROM staging.june23WHERE(max_advertised_download_speed =0AND max_advertised_upload_speed =0) =trueGROUPBY brand_name, state_abbr, technology;-- first get all 0/0 then get all the non 0/0SELECT state_abbr, brand_name, technology,count(brand_name)FROM staging.june23WHERE(max_advertised_download_speed =0AND max_advertised_upload_speed =0) =falseGROUPBY brand_name, state_abbr, technology;
We do not mind too much 70 (Unlicensed Terrestrial Fixed Wireless) because we are filtering it out but we are keeping 71 (Licensed Terrestrial Fixed Wireless) , 72 (Licensed-by-Rule Terrestrial Fixed Wireless)and 10 (Copper Wire).
To take that into account I will filter out Unlicensed Terrestrial Fixed Wireless for the rest of this document. I also filtered out 60 and 61 to be consistant with our pipelines.
One point of concern is that services with 0/0 speeds could be generated for various reasons. One could be that some technology offer very low downloads/uploads and that is rounding to 0 an other could be that the location is not actually deserved but the ISP think it can do it.