
July 25, 2024


Roughly estimate route miles of potential deployments

what is inside the data:

We have linestrings with those attributes:

  • linearid: primary id, used by ither TIGER product

  • fullname: road name, humane-readable

  • rttyp: route type code, type of road.

Route Type Code Route Type Code Description
C County
I Interstate
M Common Name
O Other
S State recognized
U U.S.
  • mtfcc: MAF/TIGER Feature Class Codes, example, S1400 (Local Neighborhood Road, Rural Road, City Street)

Classes of Roads according to TIGER/line census

TIGER: Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing

mtfcc Features
“S1100” Primary Road
“S1200” Secondary Road
“S1400” Local Neighborhood Road, Rural Road, City Street
“S1500” Vehicular Trail (4WD)
“S1630” Ramp
“S1640” Service Drive usually along a limited access highway
“S1710” Walkway/Pedestrian Trail
“S1720” Stairway
“S1730” Alley
“S1740” Private Road for service vehicles (logging, oil fields, ranches, etc.)
“S1750” Internal U.S. Census Bureau use
“S1780” Parking Lot Road
“S1810” Winter Trail
“S1820” Bike Path or Trail
“S1830” Bridle Path

Should this information provided and how?

We should probably not keep the bridle paths?

Should it be provided at block level: ie an estimate route miles?

How the user will interact with it?


  • https://www2.census.gov/geo/pdfs/reference/mtfccs2020.pdf

  • https://www.census.gov/library/reference/code-lists/route-type-codes.html