EDA on Internet Service Providers


January 2, 2025


We are starting our first exploratory data analysis around ISPs in the FCC NBM data set. It should be kept in mind that an ISP can be listed multiple times at the same location (offering multiple service).

Our goal is being able to take FCC data and 1. correctly identify the single ISP that is providing each reported service (i.e., deduplication of ISP names) 2. correctly identify that ISP over time (from the same program and from other FCC products).

How should we define an ISP? How can we define coverage (should a service 0/0 be considered as part of the extent of an ISP’s coverage)?

We shifted a bit from exploring to trying to classify the quality of information we have from FCC about ISP.

The query that generated the data set is here:

    count(distinct location_id) as cnt_locations,
    count(*) as cnt_locations_services,
    bool_or(case when technology = 10 then true else false end) as has_copperwire,
    bool_or(case when technology = 40 then true else false end) as has_coaxial_cable,
    bool_or(case when technology = 50 then true else false end) as has_fiber,   
    bool_or(case when technology >= 70 then true else false end) as has_wireless,
    bool_or(case when technology = 60 or  technology = 61 then true else false end) as has_satel,
    array_agg(distinct state_abbr)
from staging.june23
group by frn, provider_id, brand_name

The name of the columns match the FCC’s documented descriptions.

We are adding:

We have from FCC:


Every row is matching a combination of unique FRN, Provider ID and brand name.

get_me_isp <- function(path) {
  isp <- read.csv(path,
                  colClasses = c(frn ="character",
                                provider_id = "character",
                                brand_name = "character",
                                cnt_locations = "character",
                                cnt_locations_services = "character",
                                has_copperwire = "logical",
                                has_coaxial_cable = "logical",
                                has_fiber = "logical",
                                has_wireless = "logical",
                                has_satel = "logical",
                                array_agg = "character"))

  isp[["cnt_locations"]] <- as.numeric(isp[["cnt_locations"]])                               
  isp[["cnt_locations_services"]] <- as.numeric(isp[["cnt_locations_services"]])  

isp <- get_me_isp("data/isp.csv")

Numbers for context:

Raw numbers out of the box:

Number of unique frn: 2879

Number of unique provider_id: 2184

Number of unique brand name pre cleaning: 2902

count_and_clean <- function(vec) {
  length(unique(tolower(trimws(gsub("_", " ", vec)))))} 

num_brand_name <- count_and_clean(isp[["brand_name"]])

Removing all capitalization and change underscore for white space help lower the number of unique brand names to: 2878

isp[["clean_name"]] <- tolower(trimws(gsub("_", " ", isp[["brand_name"]]))) 

Potential sources of errors:

  • FRN can be wrong or not meaningfull
  • provider_id can be wrong
  • brand names can be different or evolve over time.

One case:

First example different FRN and Provider ID
frn provider_id brand_name cnt_locations cnt_locations_services has_copperwire has_coaxial_cable has_fiber has_wireless has_satel array_agg
0003738655 130432 “EATEL Corp.” 83537 86548 true true true false false {LA}
0009873712 131103 “EATEL Corp.” 34494 34497 false true true false false {LA}

Other case:

Acentek here have the same provider ID but different FRN
frn provider_id brand_name cnt_locations cnt_locations_services has_copperwire has_coaxial_cable has_fiber has_wireless has_satel array_agg
0002626984 130008 Acentek 47 47 true false true false false {MN}
0002626984 130008 ACENTEK 1395 1395 true false false false false {MN}
0002645927 130008 Acentek 19521 26636 true false true true false {IA,MN}

Rules for problems:

Less than 10 locations per rows:

isp[["few_locations"]] <- NA_integer_

for (i in 1:10) {
  isp[isp[["cnt_locations"]] == i, "few_locations"] <- i

#feel bad relying on table removing NA
few_loc <- as.data.frame(table(isp$few_locations))
names(few_loc) <- c("Number of locations", "Number of cases")

Row with less than 10 locations
Number of locations Number of cases
1 43
2 9
3 12
4 5
5 2
6 4
7 8
8 5
9 3
10 3

Potential solutions:

  • We can decide to not keep those rows

  • Merge them with either other rows that is matching provider_id or frn (when this is an option)

More than one frn for a provider_id

temp <- sapply(split(isp$frn, isp$provider_id), function(x) length(unique(x)))

dta <- data.frame(provider_id = names(temp), frn_by_provider_id = temp)

# correct lower/upper case / replace underscore by  " "  / some white space on both side 
# triming whispace did not improve for this dataset but I should keept doing it
dta[["unique_brand_name_by_provider_id"]] <-  sapply(split(isp$brand_name, isp$provider_id),
dta[["same_state_by_provider_id"]] <- sapply(split(isp$array_agg, isp$provider_id), function(x) length(unique(x))) 

isp <- merge(isp, dta, by.x = "provider_id", by.y = "provider_id",
             all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)
more_frn_than_provider <- subset(isp, isp$frn_by_provider_id  > 1)


Unique provider_id + brand_name are kind of “green” (for one time frame):

Number of green isp: 1972

We can have one provider_id with multiple frn and same or not brand_name (see TSC for example / 150266)

It seems:

  • Windstream has 37 different frn: we can maybe test if it has windstream in it’s name ..

  • Otelco/GoNet (18 cases)

  • Rally Networks/Oregon Telephone Company, is their frn wrongs ? (17 cases)

  • Same Provider for differents frn and brand_name in Minesota (MN) (16 cases)

  • 160127 I do not see any kind of specific pattern for this one

  • 131486 seems to be RiverStreet Networks with various frn (13 cases) -> will be catch by unique_brand_name_by_provider_id

  • 190233 multiple brand name and frn but seems to be in Texas and Oklahoma (13)

  • 131226 seems to be Fastwyre Broadband divided by technology and states (12 cases) -> will be catch by unique_brand_name_by_provider_id

  • 130804 seems to be Mediacom (+ Bolt) with different states and names indicating their states (11 cases)

  • Google Fiber (240041) seems to be have frn split by states (with a weird ‘Webpass, Inc.’) (11 cases) -> will be catch by unique_brand_name_by_provider_id (except Webpass, Inc which is weird, technology is 70 that I should correct)

  • AT&T Inc (130077) multiple frn (10 cases) -> filter by unique_brand_name_by_provider_id

  • 130079 = Astound_Broadband (10 cases) -> will be catch by unique_brand_name_by_provider_id

  • Verizon -> filter by unique_brand_name_by_provider_id

  • long ling (130757 ) & co are problematics (multiples names / one provider / 3 states )

  • 130906 is also hard to fix

Assuming that same name (clean version) + same provider_id provide us with a unique ISP, it helps move to greensih:

table_with_options(more_frn_than_provider[more_frn_than_provider$unique_brand_name_by_provider_id == 1,])

This is removing 194 out of 1170.

Same provider_id and same states

Not too sure about this one.

More than one provider_id for a cleaned brand name

This is the case for “EATEL”.

temp <- sapply(split(isp$provider_id, isp$clean_name),
         function(x) length(unique(x)))
dta <- data.frame(clean_name = names(temp), provider_id_by_clean_name = temp)
isp <- merge(isp, dta, by.x = "clean_name", by.y = "clean_name",
             all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)

provider_id_by_clean_name <- subset(isp, isp$provider_id_by_clean_name  > 1)


This could also move 63 cases in the greenish spot. -> nop

What are our options/next steps:

  • Make a column “ready to go”
# if it has unique brand name and frn by provider id id should be good
temp <- isp$frn_by_provider_id + isp$unique_brand_name_by_provider_id
isp[["rdy_to_go"]] <- ifelse(temp == 2, "green", "not green")

# cases where we have a unique frn and provider id but not unique brand name 
# default of olive is that we need to pick a name out of more than one
temp <- ifelse(isp$frn_by_provider_id == 1, 1, 0) + ifelse(isp$unique_brand_name_by_provider_id > 1, 1, 0)
isp[temp == 2, "rdy_to_go"] <- "olive"

# the few locations should be "red" and maybe dropped later 
isp[which(isp$few_locations == "few locations"), "rdy_to_go"] <- "red"


A good example could be 131167 and how we can discriminate Orbitel communications. We can also prob. raise the bar of “few locations”.

A quick summary of where we are:


    green not green     olive 
     1778      1170       222 
  • Make an id <—> provider_id / frn / brand_name table

Typology of ISP

The data was generated from June 23 FCC release and assumed that an FRN = ISP.

Can we guess who is a small ISP?

# con <- cori.db::connect_to_db("proj_calix")
# bob <- DBI::dbReadTable(con, "frn_desc")
# DBI::dbDisconnect(con)
# bob[["is_calix"]] <- NULL 
# write.csv(bob, "data/frn_desc.csv")
frn_desc <- read.csv("data/frn_desc.csv")

#classInt::classIntervals(cnt_locations, n = 20, style = "jenks")
# not that great
cnt_locations <- frn_desc[["cnt_locations"]]
     Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
        1      1384      5476    253046     19588 114863490 
boxplot(cnt_locations, horizontal = TRUE, col = 2, border = 2, frame = F, main = "Count of locations per ISP") 

Some ISP are declaraing covering a huge number of locations. Some low counts are probably errors.

Count of FRN with a less than 10 locations: 36

Count of FRN with more than 500 000 locations: 74

frn_desc$n_states <-  lengths(strsplit(gsub("\\{|\\}", "", frn_desc$states), ","))

If we filter them out (removing 110 cases):

location_filter <- 100000

frn <- frn_desc[frn_desc$cnt_locations >= 10 & frn_desc$cnt_locations <= location_filter ,]
# dim(frn_desc)
# dim(frn)

hist(frn$cnt_locations,  col = 2, 
     main = sprintf("Less than %s", location_filter), xlab = "count locations")

location_filter <- 10000

frn <- frn_desc[frn_desc$cnt_locations >= 10 & frn_desc$cnt_locations <= location_filter ,]
# dim(frn_desc)
# dim(frn)

hist(frn$cnt_locations,  col = 2, 
     main = sprintf("Less than %s", location_filter), xlab = "count locations")

List of ISP that the Broadband team that are good reference of small provider:

Name FRN Locations
Newport Utilities, TN 0027152438 15383
SandyNet, OR 0004119376 4439
ECFiber, VT 0027379676 22926
Maple Broadband, VT 0032366692 315
Uplink 0026218602 1611
Black Bear Fiber 0025132648 1583
QCOL 0019663095 5610
Salsgiver 0011167079 29941
All Points Broadband 0023524705 107803
Marquette-Adams Telephone co-op 0003774023 130783
USI fiber 0017096538 71466
Scott county telephone co 0002069862 7829
PANGAEA 0016202236 8410
Blue Mountain Networks 0005450507 310013

Side notes:

  • Newport Utilities = NUconnect

  • SandyNet, OR = City of Sandy, OR

  • USI FIber =

  • Blue Mountain Networks = Blue Ridge Mountain Electric Membership Corporation