Google Drive Practice

MDA Shared Drive

The MDA Shared Drive is intended to complement github in terms of tracking projects, team activities and assets, and business development documentation.

Upfront - this is by no means perfect process or recommendation. We should consider our practices and this document subject to change.

Logical structure

Root directory consists of high-level (HL) assets categories (e.g. Business Development). Within the high-level categories we will find two types of folders in the second-level. This logic can be considered recursive.

  1. Detailed categories: Thematic sub-directory that falls under the HL directory Example: HL: Business Development –> Content marketing –> MDA blogs
  2. Year: Temporal sub-directory that captures relevant thematic information that exists within or a specific year. Usually organizes terminal directories. Example: HL:Projects –> 2024 –> RuralLisc ACP Dynamic map

What is captured

Below highlights assets captured in key directories.


This captures relevant proposal work and general proposal specific team assets (e.g. Bios)

Terminal folders, specific proposals that exist within XXXX year, should contain the following 1. RPF, proposal, or a summary of a SOW 2. Team specific budget 3. Signed contract (agreement) if the proposal is converted into work


This captures relevant project work and general project specific team assets (e.g. Bios)

Terminal folders, specific project that exist within XXXX year, should contain the following 1. Signed contract (agreement) 2. SOW and/or adjuested SOW (along with any 3. Data inputs/sources if sourced from outside of code 4. Products or assets developed. This should be an endpoint for some of our static assets. 5. Any relevant project notes. Example: If there’s direction from project leads that’s inconsistent with the documented SOW - get it in writing and store it in our drive. We may need to reference this artifact later on as part of our changing project deliveries.